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Laser Skin Repair

Many people are concerned about under-eye wrinkles and dark under-eye bags. Radiofrequency is used for absobtion of cream into the skin. Used on sensitive skin around the eyes, thus resulting in a more vibrant and youthful apperance.
The skin around the eyes will appear brighter, clearer, tighter, smoother, softened and refreshed.
Dark circes will be lightened.
Small wrinkles around the eyes tend to fade.
Bags under theeyes will appearsmaller.
The face looks younger in the long run.
The advantage of the two energy sources. IPL and Rf can gentle reach the target zone depth and effectively leave the surrounding tissue unharmed. Heat waves (plasma) causes changes in skin tissue stimulating the fibroblast cells which have the ability to build collagen.
Deeper dermal penetration
Delivers skin tightening through wrinkle reduction
Effective treatment of hair removal
Removal of acne and leg veins
Reduces wrinkles and firms the skin